4 Habits Every 20-something MUST Develop to Live an Abundant life

How to NOT Become a Chronic Complainer

Have you ever been around a group of people who constantly complain? 

What if those people dominate your workplace, family, or friend group? 

You know the exact kind of people I am talking about. Sometimes, you can’t even believe what they are complaining about. 

An incorrect Starbucks order, the kids these days, the management at your workplace, how someone breathes, walks, talks to, looks at them, etc. 

Nothing seems to go their way. 

They wake up, a black cloud surrounds them, and they have the most horrible life that anyone has ever lived, and they have to share it with everyone else. 

But then… 

You catch yourself saying little phrases just like them, too. 

You find their negative statements melting into your own life, and you find yourself starting to live the worst life anyone has ever lived too. 

You start to wonder, is this just how adulthood is supposed to be? 

After graduating from nursing school and working my first job, I found myself in one of the most toxic work environments full of professional complainers. At first, I was shocked by some of the things they complained about, but then I became immersed in the environment and found myself complaining, too. 

“What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.”

Maya Angelou

I looked around at the life and path I was heading down and decided I didn’t like it, so I started listening to all the self-help podcasts and reading all the positivity books. 

But I couldn’t stop thinking about how many people must live their lives as chronic complainers. 

It seemed as if people were allowing all the little problems in their day to transform into the life they hated so much. 

“All of them put off this sense of unease. A subtle projection of their deep internal state of unhappiness. They seemed to let momentary inconveniences turn into lifelong problems.”

Dan Koe

This is how an ordinary person becomes an angry person living a life they hate:

  1. One little inconvenience happens in your day.

  2. This sets you off. You complain about how everything is wrong with the world and validate your stagnant belief systems with this one inconvenience.

  3. You start to believe that everyone around you is wrong and the world is going to shit.

  4. You start complaining to everyone else; they further validate your negative views.

  5. The minor inconveniences start to add up and fester inside of you.

  6. The people around you continuously agree with you because you all have no healthy way of releasing stress.

  7. The minor inconveniences start to seem more significant because you are already living at a baseline of annoyance with the world.

  8. These inconveniences and the people who validate your complaints become your anchor for your negative view of the world.

  9. One inconvenience is now your negative life.

-OR - 

You simply choose to let go of the minor inconveniences and not complain about them. You use your energy instead to spread positivity and create an abundant life.

I started to realize that people are addicted to negative emotions. It was much easier for people to be addicted to these negative emotions, rather than focusing on positive ones. 

People are used to waking up, complaining, going to work, complaining, and then going home and complaining. 

But what they don’t realize is that the majority of their life is spent focused on the negative. 

I knew this wasn't the life that I wanted to live. I started thinking of a way to go against the grain and be a positive person. 

I know we were not put on this Earth to see all the negativity in life. 

These are the steps you must take to live a life full of joy and positivity. 

  1. Find the complainers in your immediate circle, and distance yourself from them. 

    • This sounds brutal, but it's essential. You can still be friendly with them, but you cannot be their complaint department. Stop giving those conversations energy. Stop engaging with them. 

    • Unfortunately, you find out that some people you are close to were just using you as a place to complain. 

  1. When conversing with someone who begins to complain/be negative… 

    • Acknowledge their thoughts, but don’t continue to engage in the conversation. 

    • Don’t continue to add fuel to their fire. 

  1. Find ways to process your problems in life 

    • Journal out your thoughts 

    • Intense exercise in nature (To me, that feels like cleansing your brain)

    • Yoga 

    • Breathwork

    • Going to therapy

  1. Replace negative thoughts and emotions with positive ones. 

    • Easier said than done. 

    • But here’s how it could work: 

      1. Something happens.

      2. You have a negative thought.

      3. You fight the urge to freak out and let yourself crumble and instead relax your heart space and breathe it out. 

      4. You might have the gut reaction to think about the event later when you go home, but instead, process it and think about why this might have bothered you so much. 

      5. By thinking about this, you might have a breakthrough about something you have been holding onto. 

      6. Instead of letting these events fester inside of you, you made the conscious choice to process and let go of it instead. 

You have the ability to live a life full of joy, but you will never get there by holding onto all of the negative emotions that come up throughout your day.

Letting go of these emotions will be your superpower. Letting go of these emotions and not being a chronic complainer are the keys to unlocking an abundant life. 

Open up your heart to the positivity and let go of the negativity. 

Be sure to follow me on Instagram.

Have a beautiful week and a happy quarter-life crisis!